Interfaz fonología / sintaxis

CategoríaProfesor Titular de Universidad
InstituciónUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid

Sobre el profesor

(Ph.D., Universidad de California, Los Angeles, 1980). Pertenece al Departamento de Lingüística, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Especialidades: métrica, aspectos formales de la literatura, interficie fonología-sintaxis.



Inglés a nivel de lectura fluida. Si no familiaridad con ella, al menos interés por la gramática en general, y no sólo por sus aspectos fónicos.


En el tiempo disponible, un objetivo razonable es hacer a los estudiantes conscientes de que los aspectos fónicos del lenguaje afectan decisivamente al resto de la configuración de éste, por una parte, y, por otra, que están capacitados para emprender investigaciones en este ámbito.



Clases presenciales en que se distribuyen problemas y se resuelven y comentan éstos. Tutorías.

Bibliografía y documentación complementaria

[Dispongo de versiones electrónicas de gran parte de los trabajos citados aquí, que están por supuesto a disposición de quienes quieran consultarlas. Las referencias precedidas de [M] se encuentran en la página de materiales del curso.]

Anderson, Stephen R. (1985) Phonology in the 20th Century. Theories of Rules and Theories of Representations. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Trad. de Elena de Miguel, Madrid, Antonio Machado, 1990

Anderson, Stephen R. (2008) `The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory' [Presidential Address to the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago Illinois, 5 January, 2008] Language 84:795-814

[M] Arregi, Karlos (2002) Focus on Basque movement.Tesis doctoral, MIT.

[M] Arvaniti, A. (2007) `On the relationship between phonology and phonetics (or why phonetics is not phonology)'. Special Session: Between Meaning and Speech: On the Role of Communicative Functions, Representations and Articulations, Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, pp. 19-24.

[M]An, Duk-Ho (2007) "Clauses in Non-Canonical Positions at the Syntax-Phonology Interface". Syntax 10:1, 38-79.

[M] Bakovic, Eric (2001) `Vowel harmony and cyclicity in Eastern Nilotic', Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Afroasiatic Linguistics.

Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo (2008) "Morphological Structure and Phonological Domains in Spanish Denominal Derivation". En Colina, Sonia & Fernando Martínez-Gil (eds), Optimality-theoretic studies in Spanish phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

[M] Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo (2011) `Cyclicity'. En Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Elizabeth Hume y Keren Rice (eds). The Blackwell companion to phonology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo y Patrick Honeybone (2006), "Phonology and Syntax: A Shifting Relationship", Lingua 116 (5): 543-561.

Blevins, Juliette (2008) "Natural and unnatural sound patterns: A pocket field guide". En Naturalness and Iconicity in Language, Klaas Willems & Ludovic De Cuypere (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 121-148.

Bresnan, Joan (1971) "Sentence stress and syntactic transformations". Language 47, 257-81

[M] Carruthers, Peter "Is the mind a system of modules shaped by natural selection?" In C. Hitchcock (ed.), Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Science. Blackwell, 2003.

[M] Chomsky, Noam & Morris Halle (1968) The sound pattern of English [SPE]. Nueva York, Harper & Row

Cinque, Guglielmo (1993) "A null theory of phrase and compound stress" Linguistic Inquiry 24, 239-298

[M] Clayton, Mary L. (1981) "Word Boundaries and Sandhi Rules in Natural Generative Phonology", Language 57:3, 571-590

Embick, David (2010) Localism versus Globalism in Morphology and Phonology. Cambridge, MIT Press

Embick, David y Rolf Noyer (2007) "Distributed Morphology and the Syntax/Morphology Interface", en Gillian Ramchand y Charles Reiss, The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 290-324

Emonds, Joseph (2007) Discovering syntax. Clause structures of English, German and Romance. Berlín, Mouton de Gruyter

Golston, Chris (1995) "Syntax outranks phonology". Phonology 12:343-368.

[M] Hale, Mark y Madelyn Kissock (2007) `The Phonetics-Phonology Interface and the Acquisition of Perseverant Underspecification', The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces, Gillian Ramchand y Charles Reiss (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 81-101.

Hale, Mark y Charles Reiss (2008) The Phonological Enterprise. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Halle, Morris & Jean-Roger Vergnaud (1987) An Essay on Stress. Cambridge, MIT Press

Idsardi, William (1992) The Computation of Prosody. Tesis doctoral, MIT.

[M] Irurtzun, Aritz (2008) "A Derivational Approach to the Focus Structure", Canadian Journal of Linguistics 53, 2/3: 355.386.

Irurtzun, Aritz (2009) "Why Y: On the Centrality of Syntax in the Architecture of Grammar", Catalan Journal of Linguistics 8 (2009): 141-160

[M] Hauser, Marc D., Noam Chomsky y W. Tecumseh Fitch (2002) "The Faculty of Language: What Is It, Who Has It, and How Did It Evolve?", Science 298, 1569-1579

Hulst, Harry van der (2006) "On the parallel organization of linguistic components". Lingua 116, 657-688.

Jackendoff, Ray (2002) Foundations of language. Brain, meaning, grammar, evolution. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Kenstowicz, Michael (1994) Phonology in generative grammar. Oxford, Blackwell.

[M] Kiparsky, Paul (2002) "Opacity and Cyclicity". The Linguistic Review 17:351-367, 2000.

[M] Kiparsky, Paul (2006) "Amphichronic linguistics vs. Evolutionary Phonology". Theoretical Linguistics, 32: 217-236, 2006

[M] Kratzer, Angelika y Elisabeth Selkirk (2007) "Phase Theory and Prosodic Spell-Out: The Case of Verbs", The Linguistic Review, 24, 93-135

Ladd, Robert (1986) "Intonational phrasing: The case for recursive prosodic structure". Phonology Yearbook 3, 311-340

[M] Lahiri, A. (2007) `Non-equivalence between phonology and phonetics', Special Session: Between Meaning and Speech: On the Role of Communicative Functions, Representations and Articulations, Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, pp. 31-34

Lehiste, Ilse (1973) "Phonetic disambiguation of syntactic ambiguity". Glossa 7, 107-122.

Liberman, Mark Y. (1974) The intonational system of English. Tesis doctoral, MIT.

Miller, Philip H., Geoffrey Pullum y Arnold Zwicky (1997) "The Principle of Phonology-Free Syntax: Four Apparent Counterexamples in French", Journal of Linguistics 33:67-90

[M] Pak, Marjorie (2008) The Post-Syntactic Derivation and its Phonological Reflexes. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Pennsylvania

Pullum, Geoffrey y Arnold Zwicky (1988) "The syntax-phonology interface". En F. Newmeyer, ed.., Linguistics. The Cambridge Survey, vol. 1, 218-309. Trad. de Luis Santos en F. Newmeyer, ed., Panorama de la lingüística moderna, Visor (= Antonio Machado Libros), vol. 1, 301-328.

Nespor, Marina e Irene Vogel (1986) Prosodic phonology. Dordrecht, Foris. Trad. de Ana Ardid, La prosodia, Madrid, Visor (= Antonio Machado Libros), 1994

[M] Phillips, Colin, Tom Pellathy, Alec Marantz, Elron Yellin, Ken Wexler, Martha McGinnis, David Poeppel, Tim Roberts (2000) `Auditory Cortex Accesses Phonological Categories: An MEG Mismatch Study'. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 1038-1055.

[M] Samuels, Bridget (2009) The Structure of Phonological Theory. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Harvard

[M] Scheer, Jonathan (2008) "Why the Prosodic Hierarchy is a Diacritic and Why the Interface must be Direct", en Jutta Hartmann, Veronika Hegedüs y Henk van Riemsdijk, eds., Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 145-192

Seidl, Amanda (2001) Minimal Indirect Reference. A Theory of the Syntax-Phonology Interface. Nueva York, Routledge

Selkirk, Elisabeth (1984) Phonology and syntax. The relation between sound and structure. Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press

Selkirk, Elisabeth (1995) "The prosodic structure of function words". En Papers in Optimality Theory, Jill Beckman, Laura Walsh Dickey y Suzanne Urbanczyk, eds., Amherst (Massachusetts), GLSA Publications, 439-70. También en James L. Morgan y Katherine Demuth, eds., Signal to syntax: Bootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition, Mahwah (New Jersey), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996, 187-214.

Smith, Jennifer L. (2001) "Lexical category and phonological contrast". PETL 6: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Lexicon in Phonetics and Phonology, Edmonton, University of Alberta 61-72.

Taglicht, Josef (1998) "Constraints on intonational phrasing in English". Journal of Linguistics 34, 181-211

Teeple, David (2007) "Prosody can outrank syntax". Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Cascadilla Press

Truckenbrodt, Hubert (2006) "Phrasal stress". En The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2ª ed., Keith Brown (ed.), Oxford: Elsevier, Vol. 9, 572-579.

[M] Vaux, Bert (2008) "Why the phonological component must be serial and rule-based". En Bert Vaux y Andrew Nevins, eds., Rules, Constraints, and Phonological Phenomena, 20-61. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wagner, Michael (2005) Prosody and Recursion. Tesis doctoral, MIT

[M] Wagner, Michael (2010) "Prosody and recursion in coordinate structures and beyond", Natuiral Language and Linguistic Theory 28:183-237. [Figura en [M] como Wagner 2009]

Watson, Duane & Edward Gibson (2004) "The relationship between intonational phrasing and syntactic structure in language production". Language and Cognitive Processes 19, 713-755.

Zubizarreta, María-Luisa (1998) Prosody, focus and word order. Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press.

Zubizarreta, María Luisa (2010) "The Syntax and Prosody of Focus: The Bantu-Italian Connection", Iberia 2.1